Being Responsible Professional Training Game

What it is

In this game is design for user to remember the definition of each principle about being responsible professional.

How to use it

In this game is design for user to remember the definition of each principle about being responsible professional.

You can first download the application from this website.

Environment setting


This game demo is code by java, if you want to run it, you need to set below enviorment in your computer.

You should ensure that you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 15. After downloading the correct version of the JDK for your platform:
      *  Unzip/untar/install the JDK to an appropriate location, e.g.
            Windows: C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK
            Mac: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
            Linux: /usr/local/openjdk
      *  Set the PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of your JDK installation.
      *  Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the top-level directory of your JDK installation (on MacOS, something like /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-15.jdk/Contents/Home/)
      *  Verify the version of your installation by typing java -version (the output should start with openjdk version "15").


From JDK 11 onward, JavaFX is no longer included as a standard part of the JDK and must be installed as a separate module. To do this, you must download JFX for your operating system.
      *  Use the following download links:
After downloading a version of the JavaFX Software Development Kit for your platform (the version number must match the JDK version, i.e. 15):
      *  Unzip the JavaFX SDK to an appropriate location, e.g. (you can use a different location, but if you do, you must set your PATH_TO_FX accordingly!):
            MacOS: /Library/Java/
            Windows: C:\Program Files\Java
            Linux: /usr/local
      *  Set the PATH_TO_FX environment variable to point to the lib directory of your JavaFX installation, e.g.:
            MacOS: /Library/Java/javafx-sdk-15.0.1/lib
            Windows: C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-15.0.1\lib
             Linux: /usr/local/openjfx/lib
      *  Verify your JavaFX installation by compiling and running the HelloFX example as described in the OpenJFK installation instructions.

And then open cmd and move to the root path of game.jar, input below command java --module-path "%PATH_TO_FX%" --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml, -jar game.jar

Here is a demonstration video of our game

Game Playing

In this game, user could use game practice the definition of each principle about being responsible professional. Here is an introduction about how to play game.

At first, there are multiple examples in the example zone

User could drag the example block into answer zone

If user make a correct drag, block will stay in the zone and show Correct at top

If not block will back to original position and show Wrong on the top

When all blocks have been moved to correct zone, user could click start a new round button which stay in bottom of screen to start a new game

The order of the examples will be shuffled and user could start a new round

It's your time to have a try!

Try the game out and see how many you can get right the first time!